
Posts Tagged ‘posting video’

How to post YouTube videos to WP blogs

December 15, 2010 Leave a comment

Well, I am quite new to blogging using WP platform, though I have done quite a bit of blogging in my blogger blogs. As every beginner may do, I just tried to find out how to post videos on a WP blog, and I reached the WP instructions page. Then I searched for a suitable video and found out one on optimizing your desktop for Windows, as I posted on the previous post, and the second part here.

In blogger, I just used to cut/copy paste the embedding code from YouTube directly into the HTML option of blogger. I tried that too here. But, amazingly, the WP software reduced the long embedding code to just the YouTube URL plus the WP coding, which is same as the code at the instructions page at WP.

For example, the YouTube code is:

When posting to WP blog, you simply change it to: [… v=vex2eh6m0dg&fs=1&hl=en_US] (for the dots, insert the missing original URL part).

The width and height of the video are customized by changing the code to [… v=vex2eh6m0dg&fs=1&w=450&h=360 hl=en_US] (for the dots, insert the missing original URL part).

Most of the WP bloggers visiting this post may be well-versed with what I am writing here. So, this may help newbies like me.

CLICK HERE to read the original WP guidance.

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